P.O. Box 6356
Traverse City, MI 49696
Phone: 231-631-2171
Email: info@arkseedkits.com

Heirloom Broccoli Seeds

In a world dominated by commercial hybrid varieties, heirloom broccoli stands out with its distinctive deep-green hue and robust flavor that supermarket varieties fail to deliver. Unlike their commercial counterparts, heirloom broccoli seeds are open-pollinated, ensuring that each new generation of plants retains the same traits and quality as the ones before. By choosing heirloom broccoli seeds, you’re investing in a product that has stood the test of time and will deliver an unrivaled gardening and culinary experience.

Harvesting Broccoli Seeds

Since broccoli is not self-pollinated but is cross-pollinated by insects, you’ll need at least 3 plants, placed close together, for a good set. It will cross with other brassicas such as brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and kohlrabi, so you should either raise only one of these each year or keep them well separated.

When the seedpods are thoroughly dry on the plant. Cut the entire plant to the ground and hang it in a dry, well-aerated spot indoors for a week or two. When the seeds are dry, remove them from the pods by placing the pods in a bag and crushing them with a rolling pin or your hands. Winnow the seeds and store them. If you live in cold climates and want to harvest seeds, you will need to start broccoli indoors in the spring. It is a cool weather crop, and it will withstand temps as low as 25 degrees. Seeds are harvested ANNUALLY.


One of the most familiar and popular varieties available today comes from Calabrese broccoli seeds. These are usually the ones you find in your local market! Plant Calabrese broccoli seeds in a sunny spot with properly drained soil. Deep green heads can grow up to 8 inches in diameter and completely mature in 50 days. 

When you choose our heirloom broccoli, you’re not just growing a vegetable—you’re preserving biodiversity and celebrating a rich history of gardening. We pride ourselves on offering the highest-quality Calabrese broccoli seeds, which we carefully selected for their outstanding growth performance and superior taste.

Contact us today to learn more about other types of Heirloom Seeds.


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