Did you know that cucumbers, despite consisting almost entirely of water, are packed with vitamins A, C, and B6? Cucumbers also contain certain antioxidants and nutrients that are vital for maintaining a healthy and well-balanced diet. Some studies even suggest that cucumbers can help individuals who struggle with blood pressure–related health concerns!
At ARK, we proudly carry a quality selection of heirloom cucumber seeds for all your growing needs! Heirloom cucumbers are especially hardy and simple to grow—plus, they boast tremendous flavors. In addition, you can harvest cucumber seeds and store them for future growing seasons. Learn more about growing and harvesting heirloom cucumber seeds below.
Bees pollinate cucumbers and they will cross-pollinate with other cucumber varieties. It you’re planning on saving heirloom cucumber seeds, separate varieties of cucumbers by at least 200 ft. They will not cross with melons or squash.
5 weeks after you would have eaten the fruit, when the fruit is yellowing and fat. To prepare the seeds for storage, cut it in half lengthwise and scrape out the seedy pulp. Put the pulp, seeds and all in a bowl of water to ferment. Stir frequently to prevent mold from forming. When the heavy, viable seeds sink to the bottom, drain and rinse them. Let seeds dry on a screen for a week or two. Cucumber heirloom seeds are harvested ANNUALLY. Order your one-in-all vegetable seed kit today here at ARK Heirloom Seeds!
Growing cucumber seeds offers exceptional pickling possibilities. However, this variety is also excellent for salads! Plant Boston Pickling Seeds in full or partial sun and enjoy strong yields of tasty cucumbers.
Maturity: 55 days
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