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Heirloom Pea Seeds

Harvesting Heirloom Peas and Seeds

The sweet snap of pea pods is one of the greatest joys of spring. Growing peas from seed requires attention to temperature and soil conditions. Try heirloom pea seeds from ARK to grow delicious heirloom pea varieties for your spring menus.

Peas are self-pollinating, but harvesting the seeds takes patience. When harvesting their seeds, heirloom peas must be completely ripe in order to germinate well when you plant them the next season. Let the pea pods remain on the plants until the peas are thoroughly dry and rattling inside the pods, about a month after harvesting the others for eating.

If the forecast calls for wet weather before the peas are dry, pull out the plants and stack them loosely in a well-ventilated area to continue drying. After a couple weeks, remove the peas from the pods by hand or by threshing. Heirloom pea seeds are harvested ANNUALLY.

ARK heirloom pea seed kits can get you growing delicious peas, and when pea season has passed, harvesting seeds for next year.

Sugar Snap

The “Sugar Snap” Pea is the original snap pea! An “All-America Selection” winner in 1979, Sugar Snap Pea seeds produce 3 inches long pods that are sweet and delicious on 6 feet long vines. Make sure your pea plants have sufficient support so that the vines can grow tall and the pods have enough breathing room for easy harvesting. Sugar snap peas are an excellent variety for freezing.
Maturity: 68 days

Thomas Laxton

Thomas Laxton, legendary botanist and colleague of Charles Darwin, introduced this famous heirloom pea in the late nineteenth century. These peas now bear his name. This variety produces luscious dark green peas that average about 4 inches in length. The Thomas Laxton Pea is resistant to powdery mildew.
Maturity: 60 days

Click here to read more about other types of Heirloom Seeds available from ARK Heirloom Seeds. Select your heirloom seed kits from ARK today!


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